Our Blog

2010 brought a lot of changes to us and a big move. In December last year, the lease for our old office expired and we thought that we could change the scenery too. So we decided to go back to Los Angeles, after several years living in the Orange County. 

With this change, I also needed to resign my title as the Manager of the OCFlex user group. But I have become an Adobe Community Professional, so I will still be involved with the community. 

These are some photos of our old office, which I really liked!


And some of our new office:





  1. Eric Bourland
    Sweet office -- the old office I mean. Windows galore. The building / office wall kind of windows I mean. Good luck in the new digs.
  2. Sergio Hernández

    Sergio Hernández

    Hello Laura, you had a nice place..good luck in L.A.

    Well the reason for this message is only to thank you...

    mostly thanks to you and asfusion is how I learned Coldfusion development...and now I am one of the few people who use coldfusion here in Baja California, Mexico.

    Anyways, thanks and good luck...asfusion staff...don't leave this useful site so forgotten...