Our Blog

Thanks to everyone that attended our session. We hope you enjoyed our fighting on stage :) and you found the topic interesting. We think that Flex is an amazing product that speeds up the RIA development a lot.

As we promised, you can view the slides at CFUnited 2006 presentation. We also have the source code of our To-do list application for download (you can download or view the source). We forgot to say that the To-do list will be also published on CFDJ as a step-by-step tutorial. We will post the link to that when they publish it.




  1. Jack London

    Jack London

    I know you guys have great job here. But I have to let you know that I am disappointed at your presentation. It was boring and there was no energy!

    I am really sorry!
  2. Laura
    I am sorry to hear that, but it's good to know. I did realize that it was not my best performance. I was tired for the trip and burnt out from the work of the previous week. I hope to do better next time! or maybe is time to quit altogether ;)
  3. Lance Sims

    Lance Sims

    Hi Guys, I attended your Flex 2.0 presentation and thought it was quite good... I wanted to thank you for putting your source code up here. Furthermore I wanted to let you know that I appreciate all the content you put on your site. It has been making me a hero at work for some time now, and it was very cool to see the two of you in person.


  4. Steven Erat
    Laura and Nahuel,

    Your Flex 2 presentation was most definitely a success! Thank you so much for taking the time to prepare this session. I think that it covered the requirements to get started with Flex 2 and the information was presented in a clear, organized, and flowing manner. Your on-stage quarreling was fun for the audience, ... a little humor always helps :)

    Please continue the great work!
  5. Dave Powell
    hey guys...

    ...speaking as a Flex newbie, your presentation was a great intro to hand coding, particularly after the "quick" preview of Flexbuilder 2.0 and the Services connector by adobe earlier in the day...

    ...i love the site, and reference it all the time in my User Group...

    keep up the good work...
    ...dave powell
  6. Jeff L

    Jeff L

    Laura and Nahuel,
    I'm so sorry to see a complaint about your presentation. I was in attendance and certainly enjoyed, and learned, from your presentation. I whole heartedly agree with Steven. Great work!
    ... and thank you for this web site. What a wealth of information.

    Jeff L
  7. steve hoskins

    steve hoskins

    I thought your presentation was great fun and also the perfect demo for a first step into FLEX. Youre both very approachable which was not always the case with most CF celebs. You also have style, which as we know most coders lack.
  8. Michael McConnell

    Michael McConnell

    I downloaded your ToDoList sample application and I've been playing around with it for a couple of hours. I added a new form/database field entitled "duedate" and placed a date input control on the data entry form. I made all the necessary modifications to the class file and CFCs and everything works fine. It posts data to the database and displays the data using an inline date formatter. I can't for the life of me, however, figure out how to do a VERY simple thing. If I want to display today's date as the default value on the "Add New" form, how do I go about doing that? I've attempted to set default values for the "datedue" object, but nothing displays. Any suggestions?

    Also, there are still a few areas of the sample code that are confusing to me. Do you know when your step-by-step tutorial might be done? Is there any chance we might get an advanced copy before it's released in the CFDJ?

    Many Thanks,
    M. McConnell
  9. Cliff
    Maybe someone can help me with a problem I have with the Flex/CF connection. I used the mytodolist as a basis to learn how to call a CFC from Flex (a good place to start). I then started modifying the code to add new variables and rename them for my own application.
    As soon as I changed the name of a variable, the application stopped working.
    I did modify the Calc.as, Calc.cfc but the returned values are always zero.

    variables.id = "";
    variables.description = "";
    variables.done = false;
    variables.priority = 0;

    I then changed the scope of the variables to “this” and it all worked perfectly!

    this.id = "";
    this.description = "";
    this.done = false;
    this.priority = 0;

    I use CF 7.02 and Flexbuilder 2 – any idea’s anyone?
