cfcUnit Runner

cfcUnit Runner is a front-end to run cfcUnit tests. It allows to run test suites or individual cfcs. It uses the unmodified cfcUnit framework, so you can simply drop it in a web-accessible folder and it will run as long as you have the org.cfcunit and cfcunit folders in the root of your site or have a mapping to org where you have a cfcunit and have the other cfcunit folder that comes with the framework download in the root of your site.


Live application (Flash Player 9 required). View source on right click enabled

Recorded demo 


  • Runs test suites and shows results for all components tested
  • Runs individual components from the results
  • Saves your previous classes tested for easy access and less typing
  • Filter bar allows you to hide a type of result: errors, failed tests or passing tests.
  • Shows stack trace for errors



Source (Flex 2)


To run:

  • ColdFusion MX 7.02 in server
  • Flash Player 9 in client
  • cfcUnit framework installed as described in the project’s website.
  • Have some tests to run, or try org.cfcunit.tests.AllTests just to see it running

To compile:

  • Either Flex Builder or Flex SDK



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